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Univ of Southern California Los Angeles 1993-1996
Specialized Studies
Film Scholarship and Technology
Cinema, Theatre & Computer Science
graduated summa cum laude
The Sorbonne Paris, France 1964-1968
Earth & Space Science

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Internet!Tribe Hollywood Heritage Site!(Old Original from 2007)!

My recent reading list:

The Moonstone Wilkie Collins
The Magus John Fowles
Eugenie Grandet Honore De Balzac
La Tulipe Noir Alexandre Dumas
Claudine à Paris Colette
The Life of Pi Yann Martel
Suite Française Irene Nemirovsky
The Time Traveller's Wife Audrey Niffenegger
War and Peace Leo Tolstoy
Les Miserables Victor Hugo
Le Vicompte de Bragelonne,
Louise de la Vallière, and
The Man in The Iron Mask Alexandre Dumas
My Life in France Julia Child

My Best Movies List
Casablanca, Jean de Florette et Manon des Sources, l'Année Dernière à Marienbad, Hors de Prix, La Cage aux Folles, La Vielle Maitresse, Paris Je t'aime, Ratatouille, Second-hand Lions, Run Lola Run, Miss Potter, Wicker Park, The Usual Suspects, Sleuth, The Seven Percent Solution, Vertigo, 84 Charing Cross Road, The Imposters, The April Fools, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Who is Kiiling the Great Chefs of Europe?, Oscar, Derzu Uzala, Invasion of The Body Snatchers (1956), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Amélie, Bread and Tulips, Moulin Rouge, Dr. Strangelove, Woman In The Window (Fritz Lang), Somewhere In Time, Much Ado About Nothing, Dr. Zhivago, Chicago, Citizen Kane, of course, and all Kubrick.

Nouvelle Vague, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Classical, and Jazz
Je joue au violin. J'aime de jouer bluegrass le plus meilleur, mais sans gospel.

Ma chanson favorite est "Parlez-moi d'Amour" de Jean Lenoir. Une autre nouvelle favorite est "Qui me dira?" avec les remerciements à mon amie Christane, ici à Livemocha.
Quand je suis à Paris, je veux chanter "Aux Champs-Élysées" sur l'avenue du soir au matin avec plusieurs des amies.

Favorite Quotes
"Nuts!" -Gen. Anthony Clement McAuliffe, Bastogne 1944

"How can I possibly be out of money when I have all these checks left?!" -Dennis Bade

"Who among us can honestly say that, at one time or another, we have not set fire to some great public building? ...I know I have!" -Monty Python

"Don't forget the cannoli." -Bad Guy's Wife

"Mustard!? Don't let's be silly!" -Mad Hatter

"Oh, Ebby, It will be so glorious!" -Ebeneezer Scrooge's Sister

"... her glances, her smiles, her toilette, an inexhaustable amoury of offensive weapons, ... showered on ... young men with overwhelming fore; and from her well-stored arsenal issued glances, kindly recognitions, and a thousand other little charming attentions which were intended to strike at long range the gentlemen who formed the escort, the townspeople, the officers of the different cities she passed through, pages, populace, and servants;
it was wholesale slaughter, a general rout."
"Aussi ses regards, ses sourires, ses toilettes, projectiles inépuisables, pleuvaient-ils sur les trois jeunes gens, les criblaient-ils, et de cet arsenal sans fond sortaient encore des oeillades, des baisemains et mille autres délices qui allaient férir à distance les gentilshommes de lescorte, les bourgeois, les officiers des villes que l'on traversait, les pages, le peuple, les laquais: c'était un ravage général, une dévastation universelle."
-Description of a beautiful woman,
Henrietta, duchesse d'Orléans,
by Alexandre Dumas from "le Vicomte de Bragelonne",

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